Mallu Spice Truck  is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) explains how we collect, use and disclose information about our customers. It also explains how to contact us if you have any questions about the management of your personal information or would like to access the personal information we hold about you. This Policy describes how we comply with our obligations under the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

How we  handling your data

At Mallu Spice Truck , we collect and use data, including personal information, for a range of reasons. In handling data we will comply with all relevant laws, but we also want to ensure that we meet the following expectations  . 

Improve the customer experience – We will use customer data responsibly to improve the customer experience and deliver more relevant products, services and offers

Be transparent – We will clearly explain how we collect and use customer data

Make it simple and easy – We will minimise disruption to the customer shopping experience by making it simple and easy to provide consent

Provide control to the customer – We will respect the customers privacy by providing control over how customers can be contacted

Collection of personal information

 The types of information that we collect about you could include:

  • identification information, including name, driver’s licence number or student identification number;

  • contact details, including home/business addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers;

  • demographic information such as age/date of birth, household information, personal interests and gender;

  • member number or identifiers for loyalty schemes or membership/subscription programs (including Flybuys and OnePass) and team member discount card number;

  • digital information, such as cookies (which are small data files transferred onto devices when a website or apps are accessed), tags and pixels (which ’tag’ devices), device type and software versions used, device identifiers (like IP address), location data (where available and not disabled by the user), dates, times, file metadata, referring website/app, data entered, and user activity such as links clicked, app installations, app launches, adding items to a basket, adding items to a wish list, browsing habits within our website or apps and other information as allowed in your device permissions;

  • social media account names or tags (where you have engaged with us on a social media platforms);

  • inferred information and characteristics as a result of undertaking data analysis;

  • information provided in surveys, feedback, complaints or commentary;

Often you can deal with us anonymously or by using a pseudonym, but in this situation we may not be able to provide you with the full range of services available. For example, we will not be able to deliver products to you if you do not provide us with address details for the delivery.

The main ways we collect personal information are:

  • during your order or purchase of products from us;

  • if you access our website or apps, including by the use of cookies, tags and pixels, which may track what you view on our website or apps and also other websites/apps that you visit. Cookies, tags and pixels may also come from third party services (such as Google and Facebook) for the purpose of collecting data to enable website or app performance measurement and personalised advertising;

  • if you interact with us via social media platforms;

Use and disclosure of personal information

 We use and disclose your personal information in connection with carrying on our business, (including to provide products and services to you and relating to our involvement in loyalty schemes or membership programs that we participate in) and in some circumstances for the businesses of the Wesfarmers group of companies.

 We may use your personal information to:

  • sell, deliver, administer, improve and personalise our products and services;

  • administer our website and apps and personalise your experience on them;

  • provide advice regarding our products and services to you;

  • process payments and credit checks, and to provide layby services;

  • manage our stores, supply arrangements and inventory;

  • consider feedback and remedy complaints that you may make to us, communicate with you and operate our customer service centre;

  • provide refunds and exchanges and undertake and administer product recalls;

  • promote and advertise our products and services (e.g. by including your feedback in our advertising) and to undertake competitions and events;

  • personalise advertising and content displayed to you (including the layout and content of our website/app, and advertisements displayed to you on or via third party websites, apps or platforms such as Facebook);

  • monitor our sales of products and services and for quality control purposes, including undertaking customer surveys and analysis, or seeking feedback from customers;

  • assist in determining your product or service preferences and preferred store locations or to direct you to your closest stores when using our websites or apps;

  • in the case of our suppliers or service providers, to manage the provision of products and services to us;

  • to monitor and measure the use of our websites or apps, including web-based referral channels, data entered and digital behaviour such as links clicked;

  • to assist us in ensuring security, health and safety and customer and team member protection in our stores (including car parks, pick up areas store entrances and other publicly accessible areas);

  • to assist us in administering our policies, or to investigate complaints in relation to team member conduct;

  • to maintain and update our records; and for purposes related to any of the above or which are disclosed to you at the time the relevant personal information is collected.

Security and storage

Mallu Spice Truck will take reasonable steps to protect the security of your personal information that we hold. We have security measures in place to protect personal information under our control from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. For example, Kmart seeks to ensure that personal information held electronically by or for Kmart is held on secured servers in controlled facilities.

Accessing and correcting your information and questions

 You can request access to your personal information, or request that your information be corrected, by contacting us at the address below.

 If you have a question about this Policy or wish to make a complaint about the way we have collected, used, held or disclosed your personal information, please contact us at the address below. We may need to contact you for further details.

 If you wish to make a formal complaint, please make your complaint in writing to our Privacy Officer. We will consider your complaint promptly and contact you to seek to resolve the matter. If we have not responded to you within a reasonable time, you are entitled under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) to make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner to resolve that complaint.

How to contact Malluspice Truck

 You can contact us  by email as set out below:

Email: [email protected]

How to contact OAIC


Office of the Australian Information Commissioner


Phone: 1300 363 992

Changes to this Policy

 Mallu Spice Truck  may update this Policy from time to time. We may let you know of significant changes to this Policy by posting a notification on our website. The current version of this Policy will always be available on our website and was last updated on 25 July 2024.